4 research outputs found

    One-Dimensional Cutting Stock Optimisation by Suborders

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    This paper introduces a method for solving a one-dimensional cutting stock problem by suborders. The method is used for large orders that for technological and logistical reasons cannot be filled in a single order, but only in several successive suborders. The method has two stages. In the first stage, the suborders are generated and in the second the trim-loss is minimised. All leftovers longer than D are returned to stock and reused. Shorter leftovers are treated as trim-loss and discarded. A detailed description of the method is provided by using a practical case. The method is tested by solving 108 randomly generated problem instances

    Predlog prenove informacijskega sistema za spremljanje prekrškov

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    The paper describes the current way the Slovenian police force deals with traffic violations. Several paper forms are still in use and needs to be filled out manually on the field and later on the police station again in digital form. Different forms contain the same data (name and surname, address, SSN…). Filling forms in such a way it is time consuming process. Three basic improvements of the information system of the Slovenian police are suggested along with a discussion about their advantages and disadvantages.V članku je prikazan trenutni način dela slovenskih policistov pri dokumentiranju prometnih prekrškov in pomanjkljivosti le- tega. Predstavljeni so obrazci za spremljanje kršitev na katerih se podatki ponavljajo (ime in priimek, naslov, EMŠO…). Polici- sti te obrazce najprej ročno izpolnijo na mestu prekrška, nato pa jih na policijski postaji prepišejo še v digitalno obliko. Za to porabijo veliko časa. V predlogu rešitve so prikazane tri osnovne smernice za izboljšavo informacijskega sistema slovenske policije ter njihove prednosti in slabosti

    Dejavniki, ki vplivajo na meritve hitrosti branja barvnih spletnih strani

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    Most of web-based systems use a fashion-driven graphical user interface design which does not necessarily provide the readers with high reading performance of colour variations of text and background. Many studies addressed this problem but none of them succeeded in offering complete and conclusive results in form of reading performance table which could be used in practice. The aim of this paper is to find reasons for these incomplete results. In our research, we firstly analyzed different experiment designs described in the literature and proposals for further research. Consequently, we tried to find an improved design and carried out an experiment involving 270 students who tested 30 web-safe colour combinations. However, our experiment also did not reveal statistically significant differences in reading speed. Therefore the multidimensional scaling (MDS) method was performed to show that the speed of reading cannot be described as a one-dimensional problem.Veliko spletnih sistemov uporablja uporabniški vmesnik, ki je oblikovan na osnovi modnih smernic, ki pa ne upoštevajo vedno tudi berljivost besedila, ki je odvisna od barve le-tega in barve podlage. S tem problemom se je ukvarjalo veliko študij, ki pa niso uspele ponuditi končnih rezultatov v obliki tabele berljivosti, ki bi bila uporabna v praksi. Namen tega članka je najti vzroke za to. Najprej smo analizirali različne oblike preskusov, ki so opisane v literaturi in tudi smernice nadaljnjega raziskovanja. Na osnovi analize smo oblikovali izboljšan preskus in ga izvedli z 270 študenti. Testirali so 30 spletno varnih barvnih kombinacij. Vendar tudi naš preskus ni pripeljal do tabele berljivosti s statistično značilnimi razlikami med barvnimi kombinacijami. Zato smo s statistično metodo MDS analizirali vzroke za to. Ugotovili smo, da tabele berljivosti zaradi praktičnih omejitev pri izvedbi preskusa ni možno določiti oziroma, da berljivosti ni možno obravnavati kot enodimenzionalni problem